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Try as I might, Trying to Quit Smoking
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Months 2-6 Member
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Jul 7, 2024
It has come to pass that I need to quit smoking and start to vape and use my NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy), such as my patches and lozenges.

I will be Quitting on the 14th of August 2024 at 4 PM (16:00 With Daylight Savings Time).
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I had lasted all night without touching one, but then the morning came, and I lit one up.

It has been nearly a week since I last updated this thread.

So, I will say that I am still finding it hard to quit smoking as I do not have any nicotine in my vape, and the NRT is only just sufficient to take the edge away for a few minutes.
I am now taking the liberty of Quitting smoking for the evermore. And I have started this at 2:30 PM on the 4th of September 2024.

I have already made the fire alarm go off twice within the space of 5 minutes due to my direct lunging. But I would like to have it this way as I prefer to see clouds instead of small plumes of fog.
It has nearly been a week since I last wrote, and today, I have decided to quit smoking for good.

This is because I cannot afford to keep buying a packet or more each day to satisfy my nicotine addiction, so as of 6 PM on the 13th of September 2024. I had my last puff.

To help me alleviate my addiction to nicotine, I will be using nicotine lozenges, as well as my trusted e-cigarette, not the cigalike, but an actual mod and tank.
My last post did not work today, as of 1 PM (12 PM Without Daylight Savings Time). I have quit for good.

However, when I got up at 1 AM last night, I had one of my mothers, and I got a packet of hers. Only to smoke about 12 within 1 hour and a half.

I got up at 10:15 AM.

So, my new Quit Date is as follows: 16th of September 2024 @ 1 PM.
It has nearly been a week since I last wrote, and now I am setting myself to quit smoking.

This is because I bought a PIXL 6000 disposable, it is rechargeable and can last up to the quoted amount.

So as of 7 AM this morning, I took my last puff of an actual cigarette and started using the disposable.

Also, it is my previous dogs memorial from 10 years ago.
During this week, I have been avoiding smoking like the plague, but still smoke.

I have been continuing to use my disposables, with many hours abstained from smoking so far.

So, as of last night of the 11th of October at 12 AM, I have quit smoking.

Yet only had one cigarette since last night.