I use the Aspire eLeaf, and some call it a mod, but it's a regulated battery, so I think of it as a grippy boxy vape pen, with more mah and greater wattage options than the Ego-T batts I started with, and it stands up on its own when you set it down.
My prized vape possession, though, is an original (not clone) Kato Hammer mod. I bought two of them years ago because they were beautiful, museum pieces really, simple to use with a single 18650 battery and various tanks, but when one of my best friends, who first clued me in on vaping, drooled and said "I WANT ONE", I gave him one of them. After all, had it not been for him and his wife, I might still be smoking today, or dead from smoking.
I never use my Kato Hammer mod. I just show it off to people now and then, or just take it out and look at it.

Then, to be extra safe, I bought and hoarded a bunch of 2-Cents-for-Safety fuses.
Happy vaping!